Blog policies.

Below are the principles slash policies held by the author of this blog. They will be updated whenever changes occur.

1) I'll try my level best to post as often as possible. :)
2) Currently I'm still new to this linking thing (you know, linking to other blogs) so bear with me as I try to figure it out. Meanwhile, don't hesitate to share your blog addresses with me (if you don't mind :))
3) This blog is a reflection of my personality and opinions, so it's perfectly okay to disagree and state your POI. Do make criticism constructive though, so that I can actually do something about it and not just have to only frown at the fact that someone said I suck :( 
* Trollers and spam will be deleted at sight..
4) All names besides the author's in the blog will be referred in 3rd person to protect their privacy. Rest assured that I'll not put anyone down here :)
5) I'll only post links or excerpts to any original fiction/essays that I wrote here, to maintain copyright (who knows if someone used them in an application or for homework right?) for now. So if you want to see any whole work of fiction/non-fiction, leave a comment or email me. :)
6) All images that are used in the blog have a Creative Commons licence or owner's permission. 

Okay, only 6 for now...have a nice day. And these policies are just as a guide. :)

Image taken from here.