Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Working Life: Outfits (In Pictures)

Today I'll let the pictures tell their tales :)

What most girls are generally advised to wear for work:

Traditional pants suit - classy and professional.

Don't these people look like...lawyers?

picture source

Business casual suits - alternatives to the traditional pants suit.

What I would love to wear for work:

Black dress with small polka dots - less ruffles would be better on me though (since I'm kinda short and rounded)

picture source

Long-sleeved blouse with skirt (slight pleat/flare). I'd go for knee length though so that my hips don't look too big...

picture source

Trench dress - Ever since doing that "Mission Impossible" project at church I've always missed looking like one chic spy. ;)

What I see people wear for work:

Bat sleeves look really flattering on a lot of people - I guess that's because arms can look good in them (no visible arm flab! Yay!)

picture source

Jumpsuits - I saw a beige, sleeved version with the pants section being a little shorter than above pic in a busy Bangkok subway train. Thai ladies know their fashion well I guess?

picture source

White blouse with jeans - These I see everyday. And they always look good...

What I actually wear for work (these are the closest online equivalents I could find):

picture source - by Susy Harper

Knee-length denim skirt - One of the most versatile skirts in my wardrobe :)

White blouse with ruffles - Smart, yet pretty enough - it's worlds away from my uniform blouse... ;)

Black long-sleeved blouse with ribbon detail - I bought the actual one in Bangkok. Classy!

* Disclaimer: I own none of the outfits in the pictures above, except the last category where I use pics to represent what I have :)

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