Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Memory Snippets: The Greatest Blessing

My grandmother passed away peacefully last thursday morning,on 11:26 am sharp. the morning that she died, we (the family) were reading newspapers and chit-chatting to kill time when suddenly my mom says “She’s opened her eyes!!” Realising that she has not been conscious in the past few days, all of us ran to her bedside. My dad flipped open his hp searching for Popo’s favorite songs and held it to her ear and everyone told her not to worry. Mom whispered in my ear,”She’s going.”
A few seconds later, she breathed her last breath…and went to be with the Lord.
For the past 4 years, Popo’s life has been full of sickness and suffering.However, she somehow is still joyful and glad about her life and her time with us has been full of wisdom and laughter.Even as I write this post I miss her…especially the time when I was with her in the ambulance home 2 days before thursday, thinking that i was with her the last half hour of her life…can never forget that journey=(
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This favorite song of Popo’s kind of summarizes it all:
这一生最美的祝福(rough translation, the chinese version is so BEAUTIFUL=)=)
The Greatest blessing in This Life
When I see the stars at night, how my heart is drawn to You.
And their light shines Your grace on me,
how I long to be with You.
I lift my voice in praise,
I will love You with my life,
for Your beauty and Your goodness never end.
Nothing compares to knowing you,
You are the treasure of my life.
Trusting in Jesus Christ my Lord,
My greatest blessing in the world.
In the valleys or mountains,
You are with me all the time,
Thank you Lord,
for the gift of knowing YOU…
(partially edited from a youtube comment...respect the rights of the commentor)


  1. My deepest condolences to you n your family. My grandmother passed some time back too..i know what its like. To me she's always looking from heaven down to me =)

  2. Lionel:
    thanks for your condolences=)
    our grandmas are both in paradise too...
